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TEKTO Solutions

We redefine construction licensing management for Smart Cities, bringing transparency, resilience and sustainability to all processes. TEKTO allows Clients to operate in an agile manner, using methodologies and tools that support initiatives and intensive use of BIM (Building Information Modeling), enabling standardization and precision in project approvals.


It offers numerous advantages, including predictive analysis, code checking and 3D visualization of projects. 


With TEKTO, your city will improve productivity management and optimize the use of public resources, since the versatility of the platform and its integrated management capacity will adapt to the specific needs of the business. More value for IT will see improved controls and process flexibility as it will substantially reduce costs and risks.


Using it as a platform makes it possible to respond quickly and support the rapid deployment of innovative services.



✔ Make construction licensing management agile;

✔ End-to-end management of the entire flow of processes related to the granting of Construction Licenses by the Regulatory Body;

✔ The Technical Manager identifies inconsistencies in the project related to current legislation, before submitting it for analysis by the Regulatory Agency;

✔ Intensive use of information technology associated with BIM and GIS.

TEKTO technology

Automate and speed up your processes

Anticipate the future of construction with TEKTO Technology. Innovation and efficiency united to drive the next step of Smart Cities.

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TEKTO provides the necessary flexibility to dynamically adapt to your business and expectations. Discover new opportunities and innovate without limits.

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Salvador Municipality

Salvador uses TEKTO solutions and leads the innovative case in urban development in Brazil. From intelligent use of technology to implementing effective solutions in BIM and GIS models, we have built a legacy of advancement and excellence, shaping the city's technological future in Digital Building Permit.

What the experts say

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