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Perguntas frequentes

Considering the diversity and constant evolution of legislation, TEKTO was developed with the capacity for customization through the Customization Module. This module allows the personalized development of forms, workflows, visual form editor, specialized components for analyzing urban parameters and the definition of business rule codes and legislative standards. This way, TEKTO can be adapted to meet the specific needs of any City.

Yes, in situations where there is a new version of legislation, new decrees or modifications to existing law, a City technician trained at TEKTO will be able to use the visual editing interface available on the platform to create and maintain codes for business rules and legislative norms. Additionally, you will have the ability to edit the forms completed by the Applicant and the activities of the analysts as necessary.

Yes, TEKTO has no restrictions on project types, supporting commercial, mixed, residential and other projects.

TEKTO can be integrated into any city's access portal. This allows the Technical Applicant to use the portal they are already familiar with, eliminating the need to re-register or update data on a new portal.

The improvements obtained when using the platform include a significant reduction of up to 90% in the permit granting period, greater transparency and simplification of processes, and improved communication between sectors through the concept of parallel and transparent analyses. These improvements have a direct impact on the real estate market's interest in investing in the city in question. The substantial reduction in the permit delivery time is especially significant, as it indicates to investors that the start of construction, a crucial moment for financial returns, will be granted much more quickly. This, in turn, stimulates local economic growth and development, in addition to strengthening the City's attractiveness for future investment.

Two main points optimize communication between the Requester and the Analyst. First, the adoption of parallel and transparent analyzes allows Analysts from different sectors to simultaneously evaluate a single process, ensuring comprehensive indications and accurate responses. Second, the direct communication mechanism between the Requester and the Analyst enables specific responses to each point indicated during the analysis, facilitating the exchange of information and contributing to a more efficient analysis.

It is not necessary for Regulatory Agency Analysts to learn how to use BIM software to use the platform. All the knowledge necessary to carry out the analyzes using TEKTO will be provided in the training provided during implementation.

For process analysis, TEKTO has two modules: the Analysis and Processing Module and the 3D Viewer Module. In the Analysis and Processing Module, Analysts have access to specialized analysis activities for each sector involved in the process. They can view documents attached by the Applicant, create and complete tasks, add observations and notes relevant to the analysis, among other features. In the 3D Viewer Module, Analysts can use the TEKTO Viewer to view, in context with the legislation, the IFC (3D) file attached by the Applicant, allowing Analysts to visually verify the parameters, indices and their variables used in the calculation of the submitted project.

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